Longwick Pre-school is regulated by Ofsted and we were thrilled to be rated as GOOD at our last inspection in April 2023.
The inspector was very complimentary about all aspects of the pre-school. Below is a flavour of what they saw on the day:-
- ‘Children are happy and motivated to learn at the pre-school. They settle well and freely choose what they would like to do’.
- ‘Staff are nurturing and sensitively support any children that may feel unsure or find it hard to separate from parents.’.
- ‘Staff place a strong emphasis on supporting children's communication and language development’.
- ‘Children benefit from a well-structured curriculum that staff have designed to ensure they are well prepared for their eventual move to school’.
- ‘Staff encourage children to behave well. They set clear routines and boundaries so that children understand what is expected of them’.
- ‘Staff give children opportunities to do things independently. For instance, after eating a healthy snack, children wash and dry their plates and cups by themselves.’
The full report can be found at: https://reports.ofsted.gov.uk/inspection-reports/find-inspection-report/provider/CARE/140864