Easter Disco
Come along to our fun Easter disco in the Longwick Village Hall.
Pre-schoolers are charged £3 and siblings are £2.
Full details are below:-
Longwick Village Fete 2025
The pre-school will have their famous ‘Strawberries & Cream’ for sale plus another fun activity to aid fundraising for the pre-school. We will be looking for lots of lovely parents to run the fundraising event for the pre-school so watch this space!
VE Day - 80th Commemorations
To commemorate the 80th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day (VE Day) and to consider what life was like in the UK in the years immediately after World War Two.
The pre-school children will join in with the village plans for the day to commemorate this special anniversary.
Charity Race Night
Join us in preparation for Royal Ascot at a Charity Race Night!
(Recorded Races - Lots of competitive fun!)
at Longwick Village Hall
Doors open from 7pm - First Race 7.30pm
Bring your own drinks and nibbles
Full details are below:-
World Book Day 2025
Children can come dressed this Thursday as their favourite book character for World Book Day!.
They can bring the book related to their costume if they wish (please name it) and we are asking for a £1 voluntary contribution towards some new books.
Please don’t feel like you have to buy something, there are some great ideas online:-
We are looking forward to seeing some great costumes.
Breakfast with Santa
Make your little one’s Christmas even more magical this year and join us for a morning with Santa and his helpers.
Our Christmas Fundraiser is on Sunday 15th December 2024 at Longwick Village Hall from 9.00-10.30am.
£7.50 per child (continental breakfast). Please contact longwickpreschool@gmail.com or click the QR code on the poster below, to book your place.
Please see the advert below for full details:-
Health & Wellbeing Event, Longwick
A new event to be held on the Longwick playing fields with the pr-school being asked to sell tea, coffee and cakes at the ‘cafe’ inside the village hall.
Longwick Village Fete
The pre-school will have their famous ‘Strawberries & Cream’ plus a book tombola to aid fundraising for the pre-school. We will be looking for lots of lovely parents to run the fundraising event for the pre-school so watch this space!
World Book Day 2024
Traditionally it’s a day when children (and staff) immerse themselves in storytelling and dress up as a character from their favourite book for a £1.00 contribution but this year we have decided to go with the theme of ‘wearing your pyjamas to pre-school’ so no need to dash out and purchase and/or make a costume for your child!
Donations will go towards purchasing new furniture for our continued improvement of the pre-school’s book corner for all our children to enjoy.
Cake & Hot Chocolate Sale
Fundraising helps the pre-school to buy new resources for our children and what better way to raise some pennies than a cake sale!
We be selling cakes and hot chocolate outside of the village hall at 12 midday as it’s our last day of term before we break up for the Christmas holidays.
Breakfast with Santa
Make your little one’s Christmas even more magical this year and join us for a morning with Santa and his helpers.
Our Christmas Fundraiser is on Saturday 9th December 2023 at Longwick Village Hall from 9.00-10.30am.
£7.50 per child (continental breakfast). Please contact chair@longwickpreschool.co.uk to book your place.
Please see the advert below for full details:-
Christmas Jumper Day 2023
We are asking for a £1 donation which will go to the Save The Children charity.
Christmas Wreath Making Workshop
Our very first event of this kind so get your tickets quickly as there are limited spaces!
Enjoy crafting your very own Christmas wreath whilst sipping mulled wine and eating mice pies! If this doesn’t get you in the Christmas spirit, then nothing will!
£40 per person, at Ray Farm in Longwick.
Full details are below:-
Quiz Night & Raffle
Back by popular demand, with our biggest fundraiser of the year!
Tables are open to between 5-8 players and tickets cost £10 per person and includes a delicious sharing platter for each table to enjoy!
Bring along your friends, family, some drinks and nibbles for a fantastic evening of fun in Longwick Village Hall!
For full details please see our advert below:
Sparkle Disco
Wear your sparkliest clothes to our disco in the Longwick Village Hall.
Pre-schoolers are charged £3 and siblings are £2 and included is a glo stick!
Full details are below:-
Cake & Hot Chocolate Sale
Fundraising helps the pre-school to buy new resources for our children and what better way to raise some pennies than a cake sale!
We be selling cakes and hot chocolate outside of the village hall at 12 midday and again at 3pm.
World Chocolate Day 2023 - Fundraiser
World Chocolate Day is on Friday 7 July (yummy, I hear you cry!) and in recognition of this we are doing the Smarties ‘Bob-a-Job’ Challenge!
Each child will receive a tube of Smarties next week which they are welcome to eat.
We would be delighted if you could encourage your child/ren to undertake ‘good deeds’ and earn donations (money) that they can place into the empty Smartie tube. These ‘good deeds’ or achievements can be anything you feel that your child has done well; e.g. putting on their own shoes/ being kind to siblings/ listening to instructions/ helping out in the garden.
Longwick Village Fete 2023
The pre-school will have their infamous ‘Strawberries & Cream’ plus a few extras games / tombola to aid fundraising for the pre-school. We will be looking for lots of lovely parents to run the fundraising event for the pre-school so watch this space!
World Book Day 2023
Traditionally it’s a day when children (and staff) immerse themselves in storytelling and dress up as a character from their favourite book for a £1.00 contribution. Donations will go towards purchasing new books for our continued improvement of the pre-school’s book corner for all our children to enjoy.
'Meet the Key Person' Parents Meetings
Parents are invited to book a ten minute slot with their child’s Key Person to discuss all aspects of their child/ren’s development and it’s a chance to ask any questions or air any concerns parents may have in a private, confidential environment.
End of Year Celebrations
This year our Christmas performance will take place on Friday 16th December at 10.30am.
Children who do not usually attend on a Friday are invited to join us from 9.00am but will need to be supervised at all times or alternatively they can arrive at 10.15am already in their costumes.
The dress rehearsal will take place on Wednesday 14th December (time to be confirmed) for any parents and relatives who cannot attend the Friday performance.
Please note that we break-up for the Christmas holidays after the play (at 12 midday on Friday 16 December) so there will be no Friday lunch club or Friday afternoon session.
End of Term Celebrations - Dress Rehearsal, Timings TBC
The dress rehearsal will take place on Wednesday 14th December (time to be confirmed) for any parents and relatives who cannot attend the Friday performance on 16th December..
Breakfast with Santa
Make your little one’s Christmas even more magical this year and join us for a morning with Santa and his helpers.
Our Christmas Fundraiser is on Saturday 10th December 2022 at Longwick Village Hall from 9.00-10.30am.
£7.50 per child (continental breakfast) plus pay an extra £2 for hot breakfast baps. Please contact chair@longwickpreschool.co.uk to book your place.
Please see the advert below for full details:-
Christmas Jumper Day
We are asking for a £1 donation which will go towards improving our book corner!
Children In Need
Children can wear their pyjamas to pre-school for a £1 donation to the charity.
We will also be hosting a cake sale at pick-up times to raise extra pennies for such a fantastic cause!
Longwick Pre-school's Quiz Fundraiser
We are back after a long three year wait due to the pandemic, with our biggest fundraiser of the year!
Tables are open to between 5-8 players and tickets cost £10 per person and includes a delicious ploughman’s supper.
Bring along your friends, some drinks and nibbles for a fantastic evening of fun.
Jubilee 'Stay & Play'!
An opportunity to welcome our parents and carers into the setting after such a long time away due to Covid.
This is chance for parents to speak with their children’s’ Key Person at greater length, have a look around the hall and have a play with their children and our pre-school resources.
All included with teas and coffees plus some Jubilee themed treats to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee together.
Community Jubilee Celebration
The Parish Council are putting together a community picnic to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee this year.
Bring a picnic to enjoy with family and friends on the playing field. As it is a community event all the major community groups will be included along with the pre-school. Pre-school parents have been asked to man the stall of crafts for children to take part in alongside the school.
Cream teas, crafts, games and live music are on offer to enjoy!
Cake Sale
Fundraising helps the pre-school to buy new resources for our children and what better way to raise some pennies than a cake sale!
A sale will take place at midday at the pre-school followed by a sale at the primary school next door at 3pm!
Longwick Village Fete 2022
The pre-school have been invited to open this year’s village fete which will see the event’s welcomed return since before the pandemic! Our stall is our infamous ‘Strawberries & Cream’ plus a few extras games / tombola to aid fundraising for the pre-school. We will be looking for lots of lovely parents to run the fundraising event for the pre-school so watch this space!